Initiated the BIM approach and methodology in CCC 1997; managing three main centers of excellence for providing BIM, engineering and project controls services with a total number of BIM resources approaching 120 engineers. Developed project controls strategies and BIM implementation plans, procedures and standards.Leading the process of developing QA/QC procedures, methods and tools for the BIM process and BIM designs. Develop and Manage comprehensive GIS systems, high technology surveying systems and civil/infrastructure engineering automation systems. Provided BIM/project controls consultation services to various reputable organizations and clients. Actively participating in the 5Di group, the ENCORD VCP group, UBA and CIAT. Engaged in several international and regional conferences, events, and knowledge transfer activities for BIM-based systems for construction, post construction, Industry 4.0 and Digital Transformation. Wrote publications and articles in several specialized magazines, newsletters and books. Offering consultation services to international and regional organizations in the field of BIM, GIS, project controls and digital transformation.