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BIM Course: Introduction to BIM

Basic knowledge in Building Information Modeling

Have you heard about BIM but still don’t know the meaning and scope of this concept? If you work in the construction sector and haven’t yet become familiar with this new collaborative work methodology, you should know that many countries are already implementing it as a mandatory requirement for public works following the recommendation of the European Public Procurement Directive 2014 / 24 / EU and, that in the near future, will be extended to the rest of the projects. At Zigurat Global Institute of Technology we have developed a basic BIM course with the main objective of introducing BIM in a theoretical and conceptual way to professionals who want to remain competitive in the construction sector. Access our platform of self-study courses, where we welcome you with an introductory course on BIM, valued at 99€.   Basic BIM course: Key Concepts BIM is the acronym for Building Information Modeling, a collaborative work methodology for the creation and management of a construction project, in order to centralize all information in a digital information model created by all its agents. In this basic introductory BIM course provided by Zigurat, you will be ableto understand BIM and its application in different countries, as well as the key terminology needed to begin with this methodology of work and the main tools available in the market. BIM learning levels. Level 1, Level 2, Level 3 It is not always easy to change processes and methodologies, especially taking into account that these often involve the development of new technologies. For the adoption of BIM methodology in the processes of the construction sector, the government of the United Kingdom has defined a set of "levels" in a range of 0 to 3, to achieve the complete implementation of BIM in a gradual and successful manner. While there is some discussion about the exact definition and meaning of each, they are broadly defined as follows:   BIM Level 0 Level 0 is defined as the working status of a project in which there is no type of collaboration. The visual representation of the project is through 2D drawings and the communication and presentation method is on paper or in printed plans. The technology used is based on 2D CAD software. BIM Level 1 In Level 1, we find a combination of 2D and 3D work using CAD software. 3D drawings are used to represent projects in a more visual and understandable way, while 2D drawings are used to work and deliver the documentation of a project in a more technical and detailed way in order to obtain legal approval. BIM Level 2 Level 2 is different as it incorporates the collaborative work methodology. All agents in the process work with 2D-3D CAD or BIM models, but not necessarily under a single shared model. Collaboration exists when there is an exchange of information between agents and that is the important point that defines this level. BIM Level 3 Level 3 is defined by the collaboration and total interoperability between various agents and disciplines in a single shared model that can be accessed by any agent anywhere in the world. This is also known as Open BIM. Design, modeling and BIM estimates BIM assumes the evolution of traditional design systems based on planning, since it incorporates geometric or modeled (3D), time (4D), cost (5D), environmental (6D) and maintenance (7D) information. The use of BIM goes beyond the design phases, encompassing the execution of the project and extending throughout the life cycle of the building, allowing the management thereof and reducing operating costs.   Official Course of Building Information Modeling The course, which lasts approximately 12 hours, is 100% online, so the participant can organize the time that best suits them, at their own pace, reviewing the material as many times as necessary in order to acquire basic knowledge about BIM. The content has been developed in different formats, from videos where experts explain key concepts, to explanatory texts accompanied by infographics and links of interest. Do you want to delve into the methodology that is revolutionizing the construction sector? Don’t wait any longer and benefit from the advantages of being part of Zigurat and access the course for free. To be at the forefront of all developments and advances of the BIM methodology you can consult BIMCommunity, the international reference BIM portal where you will find news, interviews with experts, case studies, projects developed with BIM, BIM books and all kinds of resources for Become familiar with BIM.

Zigurat Global Institute of Technology