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Zigurat and BIM Africa Have Signed a Collaboration Agreement


The partnership that began with BIM Africa's participation in the Agora BIM World online conference is now formalized by an endorsed collaboration agreement to advance BIM education across the African continent. The aim of this partnership is to exchange educational and informative activities to enhance BIM dissemination and training of African AECO professionals according to the most recent and up-to-date standards.  The next chapter of this knowledge exchange will be written on July 30th when Issam el-Absi, the General Manager of the Consolidated Contractors Company (CCC) BIM Center and CCC BIM Academy Director who also serves as the Academic Director of the Master’s in Global BIM Management for Infrastructure Projects, will take the online stage of BIMtalk organized by BIM Africa in collaboration with Zigurat. He will be talking about his long track record with BIM in general and present the Mega Infrastructures Projects where he has collaborated during his long and celebrated career. BIM Africa is a non-profit professional organization that was formed to enable and regulate the adoption and implementation of Building Information Modelling (BIM) in the AECO industry across Africa. In addition to producing and promoting standards and research for effective BIM implementation across the continent, the collaborative initiative has set as its goal to educate more than 500,000 African construction entities on BIM by 2025.  It’s in the context of the aligned purposes to advance the BIM education that the collaboration agreement framework between BIM Africa and Zigurat Global Insitute of Technology offers special discounts on BIM and other digital transformation master’s programs to the members of the initiative. That applies to the following programs: For a BIMtalk with Issam el-Absi about BIM in Mega Infrastructure Projects, join in on Thursday 30th July 2020 at 3:00 PM GMT. Register here.