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The Spanish newspaper ‘La Razón’ interviews Bernabé Farré, Zigurat’s Director


The article talks about the changes caused by digitization, new technologies, the education sector and Zigurat's role in shaping professional profiles in a competitive market.
  Digitization implies a profound change in the business models of companies. New technologies represent a challenge for internal organization and team structure. In this context, Zigurat plays a key role: to train the new essential profiles in an exponentially competitive market.   How have they contributed to the transformation of the sector? We are undoubtedly at a turning point. Professionals and companies must decide if they face the digital transformation or if they cease to be competitive. In an industry in full revolution, training must be understood from 3 key perspectives: technology, processes and people. We propose a disruptive education model, based on an immersive online methodology, called collaborative work, which connects professionals from all over the world carrying out projects in the cloud.   What is the differential value of training for the profiles of the future? One of the keys to Zigurat's differential model is the development of international projects. Students simulate real processes with cutting-edge digital tools, which allow them to master the technology and processes demanded in the industry. Our students go from occupying traditional work positions to leading international teams and projects with new collaborative methodologies, such as the BIM.   What role does innovation play in your educational proposal? Innovation is part of our DNA. We deliver our master's degrees through a state-of-the-art virtual campus that ensures a high quality, global and flexible experience. Recently, we have incorporated gamification in our master's degrees that motivate participants to overcome the challenges that will make them more competitive in real life, with very positive results.   How have you achieved success as an educational institution on a global scale? Zigurat has students in more than 65 countries who interact with each other and with an international teaching team. This globality enriches the student's experience, bringing them closer to the different tendencies of the 5 continents. We offer programs in English, Spanish and Portuguese. We complement the online format with technical workshops and other international activities such as a visit to the Abu Dhabi airport project, with the help of those in charge, or participation in a stage at the National Taiwan University.   In which areas of specialization do you offer master's degrees? Our educational proposal covers very specialized topics in Structural Engineering, programs in BIM Management, Smart Cities, MEP Engineering and Project Management. The Innovation & Technology Business School of Zigurat shapes new digital trends such as Digital Transformation or Blockchain. All of them have university degrees.  
You can read the original interview here.