Miren León

Consultora Senior en EcoIntelligentGrowth
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"No podemos resolver los problemas con el mismo tipo de pensamiento que utilizamos cuando los creamos". Albert Einstein

Miren León is an Architect from the School of Architecture at the University of Navarra (ETSAUN), with a Master's in Eco-design and Energy Efficiency in Buildings from the CIRCE Technological Center (University of Zaragoza), and the From Linear to Circular 2020 Program from the Ellen MacArthur Foundation.

Miren has over 15 years of international experience in the architecture and urban planning sectors, specializing in building rehabilitation and thermal envelopes, as well as the application of circularity and design for disassembly in building projects.

She is currently a Senior Consultant at EcoIntelligentGrowth, a B2B consultancy specialized in innovation and Circular Economy within Grupo Construcia, a group focused on Circular Economy products and services. She combines her work with writing articles on Circular Economy in the construction sector for various platforms (Arquia Foundation Blog, Plataforma Arquitectura, Vía Construcción, National Geographic, etc.).

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