Young Leaders

Young Leaders
Are you under 30 years old and belong to a reputable company in the sector or a public institution? This scholarship seeks to promote training at the beginning of the professional career of this profile.
Are you under 30 years old and belong to a reputable company in the sector or a public institution? This scholarship seeks to promote training at the beginning of the professional career of this profile.
This scholarship seeks to promote gender equality in positions of responsibility. How? Encouraging the development and consolidation of skills in candidates with extensive professional experience to be able to lead the transformation in the construction, engineering and architecture sectors.
This scholarship seeks to promote gender equality in senior positions by encouraging the development and consolidation of skills in female candidates with extensive professional experience to be able to lead the transformation in the engineering and construction sector.
If you are a candidate with extensive experience in small and medium enterprises and contribute to the generation of value, innovation and balanced and sustainable socioeconomic growth, this scholarship is for you. With it, we seek to encourage the development of knowledge and professional skills.
You have an outstanding academic track record, extensive professional experience and are from a developing country or region. In such a case, this scholarship, which seeks to enhance the knowledge acquired to lead change and contribute to balanced and sustainable growth, fits your professional profile.
Professional profiles that present the skills for the generation of innovative business ideas, as well as the creation of new sustainable business models that contribute to the societies of the future, are the beneficiaries of this scholarship. With it, we seek to promote innovation and digital transformation of traditional businesses and how to manage all that.
This scholarship is presented as a reward for those profiles that demonstrate the necessary potential to have a positive and relevant impact on the company and society. In this way, we recognize the culture of hard work and the desire to excel in the academic pursuit of the candidate who has an excellent academic and extracurricular record.
We recognize and promote the lifelong learning of candidates with extensive and outstanding professional experience. With this scholarship, we seek to update their knowledge, enhance and also work on their areas of improvement, in order to continue to have a positive and relevant impact on the company and on society.
The profiles with a global and collaborative vision, who have a clear focus on sustainability, innovation and creativity, in the E&C sector and the Digital Transformation of companies or society, are eligible for these special and exclusive scholarships.