BIM Management Course - ZIGURAT Institute of Technology

City Mashup - An Urban Planner meets a GIS Expert


The integration of BIM (Building Information Modeling) and GIS (Geographic Information System) in a Smart City can bring a number of benefits and significant improvements in urban management. But what will this combination of data and metrics mean in the not-so-distant future? Are we doing it the best way possible, or what can we improve?

In this Masterclass, we will bring together an Urban Planner and a GIS Specialist to explore practical cases and engage in a panel discussion. We will uncover the potential of this integration and discuss ways to optimize its implementation.

Join us to learn about the latest advancements in urban planning and GIS technologies, and discover how they can shape the cities of tomorrow.

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June Lee

GIS Product Engineer & GIS Developer at Kier Group

Professor of ZIGURAT’s Master’s in Global BIM Management in Civil Engineering and GIS.


Guillermo Corral Comeras

Urbanist & Project Director at 360smartminds

Professor of ZIGURAT’s Master's in Global Smart City Management.